Causes of headache

How we can help you

Examples from our practice

A headache is a feeling of pain in the skull. It is a common symptom of various diseases and pathological conditions. The brain itself cannot feel pain. During brain surgery, it can be touched and even cut, and the patient will not feel any pain. So what, then, is hurting? A headache can only be caused when pain receptors are stimulated in the dura matter, the arteries at the base of the brain, the venous sinuses, the cranial nerves, the cervical roots, or the muscles of the skull or neck. For example, during a powerfully unpleasant, or even pleasant experience, the scalp muscles involuntarily contract. It may feel as though the head were being squeezed by a hoop, like wearing a tight hat. There are different types of headaches and they can occur in different parts of the head, depending on their causes.

Causes of headache

  • tension headache is the most common type – it occurs in response to mental strain, resulting from acute or chronic stress. These headaches most frequently afflict people with high levels of anxiety and overt or hidden depression. This constant pain that feels constricting, tightening, or squeezing is, as a rule, not limited to one area and may be of weak or moderate intensity and not worsened by physical exertion.
  • head trauma;
  • damage to the basilar artery, which passes through the posterolateral parts of the neck and supplies blood to important parts of the brain, can cause headaches, combined with lightheadedness, perhaps to the point that one feels about to faint. With this type of damage, lightheadedness may be accompanied by tinnitus and reduced visual acuity.
  • prolonged muscle tension caused by the body being in an uncomfortable position. This is usually associated with the requirements of certain jobs, such as spending a lot of time in front of the computer or driving, or even sleeping in an uncomfortable position.
  • strain of the oculomotor muscles;
  • migraine (recurrent attacks of pulsating pain on one side of the head accompanied by nausea or vomiting and sensitivity to light or sound).
  • hormonal changes (the intense hormonal changes during puberty or an imbalance of hormones during ovulation. The level of progesterone (a hormone that thickens the uterine lining in anticipation of pregnancy) and estrogen (a female sex hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce a new egg each month) increases in the blood. If pregnancy does not occur, the progesterone levels fall, and menstruation begins. When this hormonal balance is upset, menstrual headaches can occur;
  • Intoxication, including drug-induced toxicosis, is one of the most common causes of headache pain. Specialized sensory conductors called chemoreceptors send an alarm signal to the brain, which is perceived as a headache;
  • use of medicines – long-term, excessive use of analgesics, for example, taking more than 45g. aspirin per month, can cause headache pain. The same can be said for the excessive use of tranquilizers. The prolonged or unnecessary use of analgesics or tranquilizers can not only make the pain worse and perhaps become chronic, but depression or a drug allergy can develop, primarily taking the form of an upset stomach that may even lead to an ulcer.
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia – a psychovegetative syndrome characterized by a dysfunction of the vegetative (autonomic) nervous system and functional disorders of almost every body system (but primarily the cardiovascular system). At the heart of this disease is a low level of tolerance to stressful situations. Factors that may predispose an individual to VVD: an inherited, physical (constitutional hereditary) predisposition, periods of hormonal adjustment (pregnancy, childbirth, puberty), anxiety, fear, a lifelong history of low physical activity, a focal infection, cervical osteochondrosis, diseases of the internal organs (pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, or duodenal ulcer), endocrine diseases, allergies, and diseases of the nervous system;
  • headaches may be the first symptom of a number of different diseases: endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, premenstrual syndrome), diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemic attack, arterial hypotension and hypertension), diseases of the blood (anemia), infections, and many others;
  • factors that can trigger the worsening of a headache may include: changes in the weather, strong winds, fasting, working in a closed, stuffy room, sleeplessness, use of alcohol, or prolonged physical and mental strain.

Usually a person has several causes or combinations of causes for their headache

We know of at least 45 diseases for which a headache may be the only, or the primary, manifestation – the “tip of the iceberg.” Relieving a headache requires a careful examination, as well as treatment aimed at removing all the causes of pain.

It is important to remember that a headache is often not just a problem of the head itself, but a reflection of the state of the body as a whole. A headache can only be treated properly after establishing the causes of the problem.

How we can help you

1. Determining if any of the above-listed causes are responsible for your headache, by using a Vegetative Resonance Test “IMEDIS-TEST” (VEGA-TEST).

2. Once the causes have been determined, eliminating them without the use of drugs. In order to do this, an individualized, comprehensive treatment program will be developed for you, which may include:

Training in how to self-adjust your psychological and emotional state (using the self-regulating method known as

The Key Method, NLP techniques, and others), which will bring results very quickly. Used together, they will allow you to:
– quickly achieve deep relaxation and peace;
–  relax muscle spasms;
– reduce the negative effects of chronic stress;
– improve your psychological and physiological resilience to stressful situations (you will respond more calmly to the same stressful stimuli);
– relieve feelings of irritation and fatigue;
– release your body’s power to modulate and heal itself;
– temper your immune system and activate the processes of self-healing;
– free yourself from fear, phobias, insecurities, resentment, etc.;
– set a specific goal and achieve it.

Homeopathic remedies that are individually chosen and take into consideration each person’s body type, character traits, and nervous system, can help:

  • improve your psychological and emotional state and immune system;
  • eliminate toxins of viruses, bacteria, fungus, various parasites, and heavy metals from your body;
  • eradicate the effects of vaccinations;
  • regulate hormonal disorders;
  • eradicate the effects of brain injuries.
    A series of exercises for your spine and joints to help relieve tension and muscle spasms.

Breathing Exercises that will quickly eliminate spasms in the blood vessels and hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and will help to bring arterial blood pressure into the normal range.

A detoxification program  that uses individually-chosen assortments of healing herbs and homeopathic chelators.

*Aromatherapy *using essential oils.

Frequency Therapy using the IMEDIS-EXPERT equipment to suppress the activity of any bacteria, viruses, or parasites that have been identified.

Examples from our practice

Boris is an air-conditioner and refrigerator repairman. His pain used to begin in the morning, grow throughout the day, and by the time he left work he was literally delirious with pain. We found no organic disorders using the Vegetative Resonance “IMEDIS- Testing” but we did identify a high level of mental strain, bordering on depression. His business partner was quite hostile to everything Boris said or did at work, and he was frequently ridiculed and mocked.

Boris did not want to shut down an otherwise healthy business, but his working environment was unbearable. It became more and more difficult to suppress his growing resentment and rage, and he took out his irritation on his customers. It was precisely this situation that was behind his headaches. It sounds unbelievable, but Boris’s problem was solved quickly and easily with a single homeopathic remedy. A homeopathic remedy is usually chosen individually, taking not only the patient’s condition into consideration, but his or her specific situation. The remedy was not intended to suppress the headache, but to change Boris’s reaction to his circumstances. Boris obtained lasting results after only a few doses. In the StarOverSky consulting center he was taught the method of combating stress known as the “KEY Method”, so that his problem would not re-emerge.

Albert works as a computer programmer. He sat in front of a computer at work and at home, mornings, evenings, and frequently until late at night. His problems materialized quickly. In his case, the Vegetative ResonanceIMEDIS-Testing” established several causes of his headache pain. First of all, there was the strong electromagnetic stress from his computer, secondly, his eye, scalp, and neck muscles were under prolonged strain, and thirdly, was the problem of too little sleep. How was his problem solved? With the help of our equipment, it took only one procedure to eradicate the effects of his exposure to electromagnetic stress, and Albert was taught one special series of physical exercises to relax the muscles of his cervical spine and another series of special exercises for his eyes. Literally within a few weeks of following our recommendations, Albert was able to rid himself of his maladies once and for all.

Dina had battled headache pain for many years. In addition, she had been forced to turn to a psychiatrist for help with her constant fear of losing her job. As a staunch supporter of traditional medicine and with a firm belief in the power of drugs, Dina regularly took antidepressants prescribed by her psychiatrist and was trying to manage her headaches with the help of analgesics. However, she obtained only temporary relief from the attacks and afterwards the pain would return and intensify. Dina had no idea that prolonged, excessive use of analgesics, like psychotropic drugs, could not only make the pain worse and perhaps become chronic, but could also cause depression. In Dina’s case, we first detoxified her body of drug residue with the help of herbal tinctures and homeopathic remedies, then we taught her a special technique of deep relaxation and self-regulation known as the Key Method as well as various NLP techniques, which allowed her to successfully manage her fears as well as her headache.

Margarita (24 years old, a soloist in a corps de ballet) was forced to leave her job after two years of debilitating headaches. She underwent an expensive examination and treatment in Israel ($15,000). The cause of her pain was not determined, and drug treatment was ineffective. In complete despair and with no hope of success, her mother brought her to us. Her despair and distrust were understandable. Margarita had tried all types of treatment and undergone all types of examinations, but no one was able to explain the source of her debilitating headaches. During the two-hour wait while her daughter was being tested, the mother, near tears, awaited the “sentence,” occasionally asking if there was a chance that Margarita would live. Thanks to the Vegetative Resonance “IMEDIS- TESTING”, we were able to identify functional disorders of the liver and urogenital system, intoxication, and the effects of several sources of stress. Lots of physical exertion and an irregular pattern of rest and sleep had unbalanced her body. All of this taken together was causing her migraines. After 3 weeks of following the recommendations we made for her, Margarita’s headaches became far less frequent. After two and a half months, they vanished completely and her organs and systems began functioning again. She returned to work and one year later gave birth to a healthy baby.