What is Constipation

Causes of Constipation

How we can help you

Examples of what we do

What is Constipation

Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements do not occur (for 2–3 days or longer) or the bowels are not regularly completely evacuated. The feces are usually compacted, dry, and look like dry, dark balls or hard lumps.  For most people, a chronic inability to pass stool that lasts more than 48 hours is considered to be constipation. Constipation can be its own disorder or a symptom of various other diseases.

A healthy person usually transfers the entire content of his or her small intestine into the colon each night. After awakening, the body’s vertical position and physical activity help to facilitate the passage of the contents of the colon into the rectum. Thus, defecation often occurs in the morning. Depending on his or her diet, a normal person can have 1 to 3 bowel movements per day.
Constipation is one of the most common complaints that accompany many organic and functional diseases of various organs and systems. Any person can have a combination of a number of different causes for this pathology.
Prolonged neglect of this problem can lead to a “vicious circle,” whereby a disease (or certain medicines) causes constipation, and prolonged, chronic constipation leads to the stagnation of the feces and the toxicosis of the body. This toxicosis (presence of poisons in the body) then helps the original disease to progress.

Laxatives do not address the causes of constipation. In addition, different drugs have a range of side effects. They may cause the body to lose protein and potassium through the intestine, degrade the muscle tone of the intestine, and cause the receptors in the gastrointestinal tract to become dependent upon the laxatives, thus requiring increasingly larger doses.  Frequently constipation alternates with diarrhea as colitis develops.

Causes of constipation

Neurogenic factors. These include disorders of the vegetative part of the nervous system that regulates the functions of the internal organs. This can occur if the patient is experiencing mental strain, situations of conflict, depression, fear, or prolonged disruptions in his or her normal routine and rest, functional or organic diseases of the central nervous system, deliberate suppression of the urge to defecate because of life or work circumstances (such as the lack of access to a toilet experienced by professional drivers, salespeople, etc.);

The reflex action of various organs on the intestine, primarily the stomach and biliary tract (organic injury to the digestive organs or to proctogenic organs and systems and others).  Proctostasis is caused by the impaired ability of the rectum to evacute. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse cause spasms in the sphincter and the contents of the intestines to be retained.

Toxic constipation – caused by chronic poisoning from lead-containing substances, morphine, nicotine, nitrobenzene, or prolonged use of large doses of cholinolytics and antispasmodics;

Medicinal constipation – resulting from the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antispasmodics, diuretics, sorbents, iron supplements, abuse of secretory laxatives, atropine, various narcotics, calcium bicarbonate (baking soda), psychotropic drugs (tranquilizers, antidepressants), aluminum hydroxide (almagel) and many others; anticonvulsants;

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine due to the use of antibiotics, large quantities of medicines, or malnutrition;

Endocrine constipation – caused by a degradation in the function of the pituitary gland, thyroid, ovaries, adrenals, etc;

Alimentary constipation (caused by insufficient intake of dietary fiber);

Hypokinetic constipation – a lack of physical activity or sedentary lifestyle slows the functioning of the intestine and causes constipation, more common among the middle-aged and elderly;

Mechanical constipation (caused by a narrowing of the bowels due to tumor, scarring, or congenital abnormal elongation of the colon, hypoplasia of the nerve plexus – megacolon, Hirschsprung’s disease);

Inflammatory bowel disease – 20% of patients suffering from enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine) experience constipation as do 50% of patients suffering from chronic colitis (inflammation of the colon);

Circulatory disorders in the intestinal vessels due to atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases;

Changes in one’s life or work routines, oversleeping, rushing about in the mornings, shift work;

*A decrease the sensitivity of the receptors *(nerve endings) in the mucous membrane of the rectum.  As one gets older, more pressure is required before the urge to defecate is noticed;

Problems with the lumbar spine. Electrical impulses periodically appear in the intestines, causing the smooth muscles of the intestines to contract. This peristaltic contraction causes the contents of the bowels to shift and condense.  This signal travels from the brain to the spinal cord.The spinal cord is located in the vertebral canal. The signals are transmitted from it further down the nerve branches that go to the intestines. If injury or increased muscle tension causes a pinched nerve in the lumbar spine, then the signal will not reach the intestines.

How we can help you

1. Determining if any of the above-listed causes are responsible for your constipation, by using Vegetative Resonance Test “IMEDIS-TEST” (VEGA-TEST).

2. Using comprehensive natural methods we can help you eliminate the causes that contributed to the problem. If you have a disease affecting other organs that is causing your constipation, we offer a comprehensive program to restore the proper functioning of all your organs and systems, to ensure that your body as a whole is operating as it should. We offer a highly personalized combination of methods depending on the identified causes.

Specific guidelines on nutrition, chosen to address your specific set of problems. These recommendations allow you to:
– provide your body with essential enzymes, trace elements, and vitamins;
– improve your metabolism and modify your immune response;
– stop the fermenting and putrefying that can occur in the digestive system and free yourself from constipation, diarrhea, bloating, belching and heartburn.

A detoxification program to eliminate the toxins (including intracellular toxins) that enter the body through food and water, medications and food additives, nicotine, alcohol, automobile exhaust, and cosmetics, toxins that are byproducts of cellular metabolism (autotoxins) and the activities of different microorganisms (ectotoxins), as well as toxins caused by psychological and emotional factors (negative emotions, unrealized potential, stress loads, etc.).
Based on your needs, we choose the best natural methods for detoxifying your body:

  • Multi-component herbal teas, recipes for fresh-squeezed juices, absorbent agents;
  • Micro-toxicology methods and homeopathic treatments;
  • Water treatments (douches, salt and turpentine baths, body wraps).

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed individually and are based on the assessment of each patient’s built, personality and nervous system, help improve his or her psychological and emotional state and immune system. It helps the body to regulate the endocrine system disorder, naturally increase energy.

Herbal Teas;  Spinal Correction Exercises;

Hydrotherapy program that can be easily done at home.

Frequency Therapy using the IMEDIS-EXPERT equipment to suppress the activity of any bacteria, viruses, or parasites that have been identified.

We will teach you self-regulation methods that give results in a short period of time. These methods include: The Key Method, various techniques from NLP and other methods. Together, they will allow you to:

  • Get rid of fears, phobias, disappointment, frustration,  worries, guilt, anger;
  • Become more confident
  • Quickly attain deep relaxation and peace;
  • Decrease emotional response to stressful situations;
  • Lower irritation and fatigue;
  • Get the same effect as meditation without months or years of effort;
  • Boost your immune system and activate self-rehabilitation processes;

Examples of what we do

When Svetlana came to us for help, she was primarily concerned about her depression. The seriousness of her long history of hypertension and diabetes paled in comparison to her mental state. Her other problems seemed “minor” to her. These other problems included 30 years of chronic constipation, paronychia on her nails, lipomas, and warts, which she periodically had removed but they always reappeared. It is easy to imagine how many different kinds of doctors had “treated” her problems, how many different medicines she had been forced to take. We chose an individualized program of dietary recommendations, prepared an assortment of natural herbs, demonstrated a series of exercises to help her back, and taught her a way to regulate herself psychologically and some breathing exercises to lower her blood pressure.

First, the functioning of her intestines improved, then she gradually lost weight, and her blood pressure decreased to a normal level. While she was carrying out all of our recommendations, her lipomas, warts, and paronychia vanished. We did not prescribe any specialized medicines for this. And what about her depression? Her moods gradually improved; her life no longer seemed meaningless; other people were no longer perceived as bad, and she began to experience small joys in her life. Her body began functioning as it should, and her mental state was transformed. You think this was a MIRACLE? No, it was the natural result of a logical plan of action!