Cancer has accompanied mankind throughout its history. This insidious and terrible disease is shrouded in an aura of mystery and secrets. Questionable claims of “panaceas” inspiring people with an unreasonable hope of healing eventually become bitter disappointments. Scientists of all ages and nations have sought to explain the causes of cancer and how to deal with them, but alas, in vain.

What now is known to medical science about this terrible and insidious disease?

*Terrible because *100 years ago 1 person out of 30 would fall ill with cancer. 50 years ago – 1 out of 15, but today one in five. It is estimated that the death-rate from malignant neoplasms will double in the next 20 years. At first glance, such a sad prognosis lays blame on oncologists for the situation. However, scientific studies have established that human health is only 10% dependent on health services and medicine,  20%  on genetic factors,  20% on the environment and 50%  on one’s lifestyle.

Insidious, because the process of the formation of a malignant tumor cell   can last from 2 to 10 years and proceed completely asymptomatically. In other words, a man who is already sick could learn about it only after 5–10 years when pain arises and the organism is likely to be struck by metastases which are difficult to treat.

What is cancer?

Types of tumors


Theories of the origin of cancer or risk factors

Carcinogenic theory of the origin of cancer

Physical carcinogens

Chemical carcinogens

Endogenous carcinogens


Viruses and Bacteria

Fungi and Parasites

Theory of dyshormonal carcinogenesis

Psychological factors influencing the development of cancer

Is cancer curable?

What we offer

Examples from our practice

What is cancer?

All the cells in our bodies are genetically programmed to periodic extinction and the emergence of new ones in their place, which are also programmed for renewal. In any person there are sometimes (maybe 6–10 times in life) “faulty” cells with a broken genetic program. The more unfavourable the conditions of the cell, the greater the likelihood of errors during its division. Identification and destruction of these cells is a function of our immune system. Moreover, the immune system destroys bacteria, viruses and parasites penetrating into the organism.

Since the emergence of a cellular defect is inevitable, it all depends on how smoothly and efficiently it will be recognized and promptly destroyed. It is violations of the immune system that is crucial in the development of tumors. Under certain conditions, it is unable to cope with this task. Then the cells with damaged genetic programs are not destroyed, they do not die, and continually produce new ones. There emerges malformations of the organism – tumors. They can be benign or malignant.

Malignant tumor cells are young, immature, and therefore grow   quickly; they may grow into surrounding tissues, organs, disrupting their work. They can spread (metastasize) through the blood and lymphatic vessels, through serosa, the natural physiological spaces, along the nerve bundle and form new tumors. Sometimes, the source of such tumors is difficult to identify.

Benign tumors cells also lose the ability to control cell division, but they are more mature, slowly reproducing, slowly growing, gradually squeezing the nearest organs and tissues, but never getting into them, not forming metastases. The boundary between such a tumor and normal tissue is clearly visible. If a relatively large benign tumor develops in the vicinity or inside the vital organs (such as the brain, near the large blood vessels, in the larynx), then, after squeezing them, or filling the cavity of the larynx, blood vessels, it can cause very serious dysfunctions of the organism even up to death.

Thus, a malignant tumor differs from a benign tumor in rapid growth, germination in healthy tissue, high toxicity, the tendency to relapse and metastasis.

Some benign tumors later may be transformed into malignant processes and therefore belong to a precancerous condition. For example, tubular adenoma, colon polyps which is an important precursor of colon cancer, keratosis, Barrett’s esophagus (detected in approximately 5–15% of patients who have applied because of the heartburn from gastroesophageal reflux disease), atrophic gastritis and dysplasia of the cervix. If you do not take timely action, precancerous disease can lead to cancer.

Often the cause of death is not a tumor, as such, but the poisoning of the whole organism and ensuing exhaustion.

Types of tumors

Cancer is a generic name for more than hundred varieties of malignant tumors. They occur practically in all organs of the human organism. Each tumor has its own specific biological characteristics: clinical manifestations, tissue structure, metastasis, etc. That is why, in principle, it is impossible to find a universal remedy for all the tumors.
tumors differ in the type of cells from which they arise.


  • Carcinoma – from epithelial cells (e.g. cancer of prostate, lung, breast, colon).
  • Melanoma – from skin cells of melanocytes, performing their protective function.
  • Sarcoma – from connective tissue (lymphosarcoma – from the lymph nodes, angiosarcoma – from blood vessels, fibrosarcoma – from dense connective tissue, osteosarcoma – from bone, etc.
  • Leukemia – blood cancer, malignant disease of the hematopoietic system, malignant clone is derived from the bone marrow stem cells (immature).
  • Lymphoma – from lymphatic tissue.
  • Teratoma – from germ cells.
  • Glioma – a brain tumor from glial cells.
  • Choriocarcinoma – from placental tissue.


Adenoma – from the glandular epithelium of various glands of the organism (thyroid, prostate, salivary glands).
Fibroma – from connective tissue
Lymphoma – from lymphatic tissue
Osteoma – from bone
Papillomas – from the epithelium (may develop on the skin or on mucosal surfaces (nose, intestines, trachea, bronchi).


Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor. The pain usually occurs only at later stages. In the early stages cancer often causes no discomfort. Some common symptoms include:cachexia – exhaustion, which is characterized by general weakness, sudden severe drop in weight, decreased activity of physiological processes, as well as changes in the mental condition of the patient. It can also be observed in the loss of appetite, metabolic disorders, hyperhidrosis, and anemia.

Local symptoms: unusual swelling or thickening (often the earliest symptom), bleeding, inflammation, jaundice.

Symptoms of metastasis: swollen lymphatic glands, cough, possibly with blood, liver enlargement, bone pain, bone fractures and neurological symptoms. Metastases can be formed in all the organs and tissues. The most common metastases are formed in the bones, liver, brain and lungs.

Theories of the origin of cancer or risk factors

Risk factors – something that increases the probability of cancer.
To date, there are many theories about the origin of cancer. Harmful biological organisms (viruses, bacteria, parasites), carcinogens, radioactivity (including radiotherapy, which can cause the future development of other tumors), genetic predisposition, eating habits, endocrine disorders and other causes — all these factors may contribute to the disease but none of them in itself fully explains why one person suffers from cancer and another does not.
Even so, an unquestionable condition for the formation of tumors is the occurrence of altered cells and the conditions for their unhindered growth and reproduction in the organism.

Genetic theory believes that an oncogene can be present in inactive form in normal cells, and under certain conditions or effects be activated to create cancer cells.

The more unfavourable conditions for the existence of the cell, the greater the likelihood of errors during its division.

Different types of cancer have different risk factors. However, the presence of risk factors, does not mean that the person will necessarily have cancer. In some people with one or more risk factors cancer does not develop, and in some patients who have cancer, there were no obvious risk factors.

Most likely cancer is a result of the interaction of several components: lifestyle, genetic predisposition, external influence and a person’s condition.

Smoking is a risk factor for cancers of the lungs, oral cavity, larynx, bladder, kidneys and other organs.

Nevi (moles) are benign melanotic tumors. The presence of dysplastic nevus or atypical mole increases the risk of melanoma.

Various inflammations, due to the rapid multiplication during regenerative processes, normal cells at some stage change their quality and further develop and proliferate atypically.

For example, chronic inflammation of the stomach, chronic ulcer may contribute to cancer. Chronic inflammation in the lungs and bronchi, in particular tuberculosis, as well as diseases which are accompanied by the infiltration and rearrangement of normal tissue, cicatrices after prior tuberculosis, foci of pneumosclerosis (proliferation of connective tissue), bronchiectasis predispose one to the development of cancer of the lungs.

Recurrent erysipelas, long lymphostasis of limbs, long reception of antibiotics, glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressants, as well as injuries and frostbite of limbs are risk factors for Kaposi’s sarcoma.

*Trauma of mammary gland, being overweight, tight bras *causes impaired lymphatic and blood circulation in the mammary glands and contributes to the stagnation of toxins in breast tissues increase the risk of breast cancer.

Night work increases the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. According to scientists, the probability of breast cancer among nurses and stewardesses who work night shifts is twice as high as among women with a normal schedule. There are several theories regarding the mechanism of the effect of night work on the process of the development of cancer. Perhaps the lack of sleep weakens the immune system, and it becomes more difficult for the organism to fight cancer cells. It is not excluded that the cause is in the melatonin hormone. Melatonin stimulates the immune system, slows the growth of seven types of cancer cells, including the cancer cells of breast and prostate. It also has an antioxidant and anti-stress effects. This hormone is normally produced at night, and the presence of light, lowers its level in the organism.

It is best to avoid long periods of night work. If this is impossible, after returning home, it is better to sleep in a completely dark room. Sleeping in an insufficiently dark room can also provoke the development of depression.
Early puberty in girls can have adverse effects, including cancer and diabetes later in life.

Studies determined the relationship between chemicals with which girls come into contact daily and the early or delayed sexual development. Phthalates, phenols, and phytoestrogens have the greatest effect.

Phothalates are a class of chemicals widely used in cosmetics, the production of adhesives, detergents, packaging, paints and inks, food and pharmaceutical products, soft plastics (medical equipment, shower curtains, toys, sex toys). While the European Union banned their use in cosmetics, they are still used in the United States.

Phytoestrogens are natural compounds that mimic the effect of the estrogen hormone in the organism. Phytoestrogens in natural chemicals are found in soybeans, corn, cereals and nuts.

Phenols are used in the production of synthetic resins, plastics, polyamides and other polymers, pharmaceuticals, dyes, antiseptics, etc.

Carcinogenic theory of the origin of cancer

Carcinogen – a chemical substance or physical effect (radiation) on the human organism, adversely affecting biological processes, altering cellular metabolism or damaging DNA, causing uncontrolled cell division, increasing the likelihood of malignant neoplasms.

According to the physio-chemical theory, the main cause of tumor development is the impact of physical factors and various toxic chemicals on the cells of organisms that causes their oncotransformation.

Any toxins or foreign substances that cannot be used by the organism to generate energy or to build its structures can cause various diseases.

Physical carcinogens

Physical carcinogens include ultraviolet and ionizing radiation.
We are all exposed to radiation every day. There is a natural radiation from the earth, cosmic radiation, radiation from nuclear energy and the military industry, as well as radiation from medical tests (X-rays).
A study, published in the medical journal Radiology, makes a sobering conclusion for those who believe that “non-invasive” computed tomography (CT scans) is a painless, high-tech medical miracle without any flaws. Studies show that people who undergo multiple CTs throughout their lives can have a significantly increased risk of cancer. Computed tomography can deliver radiation equivalent to 400 X-rays of the chest. CT scans increase the chances of getting cancer by 2.7% to 12%.

Researchers estimate that every year more than 14,000 people can die of cancer provoked by radiation.

Regular testing for the malignant tumors can only, to a negligible extent, prevent death from breast cancer or help women obtain less aggressive treatment. In most cases patients after a mammography will be incorrectly diagnosed, receive unnecessary and destructive treatment and will be psychologically traumatized as a result.

Moreover, a study, published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine in  2008, showed that an annual mammography, irradiating the mammary gland, has increased the frequency of cases of breast cancer in Europe.

Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) is used to treat many forms of cancer. However, radiation therapy may increase the risk of other malignant tumors in the future. Eg., the risk of developing cancer, particularly breast cancer, is very high among women who took radiation therapy for childhood Hodgkin’s disease.

As a result of nuclear testing, accidents at nuclear power plants, nuclear ships and submarines, the expansion of human activities associated with the use of radiation sources, distribution of radionuclides has reached a large scale. They can enter the organism through drinking water or ingesting food. And since the half-life of  major radioactive elements (cobalt, cesium, strontium) is calculated by decades, their pathogenic effects on organisms is chronic and long-acting.

It should be added that the depletion of the ozone layer in the Earth’s atmosphere and the emergence of so-called “ozone holes” increases the flow and activity of the ultraviolet rays of the sun.  Radiation damages the genes of the organism cells, causes genetic mutations and can cause cancer. The more people are exposed to radiation, the greater the likelihood that mutations will occur, which may develop into cancer.

Chemical carcinogens

Nitrates, Nitrites. Nitrates are salts of nitric acid, a part of mineral fertilizers. Plants use nitrogen in these salts, to build the cells and chlorophyll. They can enter the organism with overly fertilized vegetables, such as hothouse plants. For people nitrates are not toxic, but in the gastrointestinal tract nitrates can be converted into nitrites. They are toxic to human haemoglobin, which loses the ability to transfer O 2 or CO 2.

Sodium nitrite is used for storage of meat, since it inhibits the growth of bacteria, and in reaction with myoglobin of meat gives the product a desirable dark red color. Nitrites are added to sausage and canned goods. Nitrites are toxic (lethal dose for humans is about 22 mg / kg of body weight). Under certain conditions, especially during cooking, nitrites in meat may react with the degradation products of amino acids, forming nitrosamines, which are known carcinogens.

Vitamin C provides the protection from nitrates and nitrites.
Benzopyrene. They are formed during frying or cooking on the grill, during prolonged heating of meat in the oven. A lot of them are in tobacco smoke.

Peroxides. They are formed in rancid fats and strong heating of vegetable oils.

Trans-isomers. They are formed during the processing of conventional vegetable oils into solid margarine.

Dioxins – a range of chemical compounds, most toxic substances known to date with a potent mutagenic, immunosuppressive, carcinogenic and embryotoxic effect. Dioxins are mainly by products of industrial processes but can also result from natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires.

The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish. Very low levels are found in plants, water and air. More than 90% of human exposure is through food, mainly meat and dairy products, fish and shellfish.

They accumulate in the human organism, as well as in animals, the planet’s biosphere, including air, water, and food and decay slowly over time. The value of the lethal dose for these substances is significantly less than the analogous values for some chemical warfare agents, for example, soman, sarin and tabun.

Dioxins are formed as a by-product in the manufacture of herbicides. Another source of danger is the pulp and paper industry. Bleaching of cellulose pulp by chlorine is accompanied by the formation of dioxins and other hazardous organochlorine compounds. The main reasons for the penetration of dioxins in the biosphere are, first of all, the use of high-temperature technologies of chlorination and the processing of organochlorine compounds and, particularly, the burning of waste.

Fish and dairy cows concentrate dioxins most effectively. Consequently, it is animal products that are affected by an environment contaminated by dioxins. They are very slowly excreted from living organisms, and, at other times, not at all. During the intake of food, more than 87% of the dioxins are absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. They accumulate predominantly in adipose tissue, the skin and liver.

Aniline dyes, asbestos, coal tar and other chemicals may affect the genetic information of cells and thus cause cancer.

Carcinogens are formed during the combustion of tobacco, and inhaled when smoking.

Through contaminated soil, water, air and food, carcinogens get into the organism, beginning their long-term adverse effects.

Endogenous carcinogens

In addition to the exogenous (entering from the outside) chemical carcinogens, endogenous carcinogens (formed within the organism) are also considered to play a role in causing cancer. Formation of endogenous carcinogens may be caused by:

  • hypovitaminosis caused by certain medicines or lack of vitamins in the diet;
  • seasonal deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • prolonged use of estrogens (female hormones) and glucocorticoids (adrenal hormones) for medicinal purposes;
  • genetically caused low levels of vitamin B6 or associated with long-term intake of medical means antagonists of vitamin B6;
  • inherited disorders in the metabolism of amino acids: tryptophan and tyrosine. (It is shown experimentally that their carcinogenic activity is reduced when taking ascorbic acid and other antioxidants.)
    Endogenous carcinogens may be one of the major causes of congenital tumors, as they can cross the placenta, when the foetus is in the womb. The results of numerous experiments indicate that ascorbic acid can interfere with this.


Chemicals that are not carcinogenic and may even have anti-carcinogenic properties, and in combination with certain carcinogens, may increase their negative impact.
Beta-carotene is an example of such a compound. When used in the form of a dietary supplement, it increases the probability of lung cancer in smokers, people who use alcohol and those who are exposed to asbestos.
Necessary and safe sources of beta-carotene are not dietary supplements but organic vegetables and fruits.

Viruses and Bacteria

According to the viral-genetic theory, the fusion of the virus genome with the genetic apparatus of human cells could lead to the malignant transformation of cells. With further growth and multiplication of tumor cells, viruses no longer play a significant role.
Oncogenic viruses include:

Epstein-Barr virus (can cause Burkitt’s lymphoma)
Herpes virus (can cause lymphogranulomatosis, Kaposi sarcoma, brain tumors),
Papillomavirus (HPV) (can cause cervical cancer)
Retroviruses (can cause chronic lymphocytic leukemia).
One representative – Human T-lymphotropic virus Type 1, causes malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and hematopoietic tissue – the T-cell leukemia and T-cell lymphoma in adults.
Another version of retroviruses is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
*, it can cause Kaposi sarcoma

Hepatitis viruses B and C (can cause liver cancer).

Bacteria: Helicobacter pylori (can cause stomach cancer).
Viruses and bacteria may cause cell mutations that lead to the development of a malignant process. But pay attention to the following scientific data which indicate that the presence of the virus or bacteria does not necessarily lead to cancer.

Hepatitis C. In 20–50% of cases, the organism copes with acute hepatitis C. In 50–80% of cases the disease becomes chronic. Liver cancer develops only in 1–5% of persons with chronic infection, cirrhosis (death of liver cells and scarring) occurs in approximately 10 – 20%.

Papillomavirus (HPV). Young women, who have recently become sexually active, are often infected with human papillomavirus (HPV). However, in most healthy women the infection disappears after some time. As shown by the research of American scientists, in rare cases the infection persists in the organism and leads to precancerous changes.

The virus itself can not cause cancer. If the immune system is functioning properly, the organism itself gets rid of the virus, but if the work of the immune system fails, the virus persists in the organism and increases the risk of cancer.

The studies found a relationship between the response of the immune system to HPV 16 and daily chronic stress. The more stress a woman feels, the worse the immune system performs its job. Scientists have suggested that stress alters the work of the immune system and reduces the resistance against the HPV virus.

Helicobacter pylori. It is assumed that about 2 / 3 of the human population worldwide are infected with Helicobacter ( H. pylori ), up to 70% of H. pylori infections are asymptomatic.

Only 10–20% of infected people may develop gastric and duodenal ulcers. The ability of H. pylori to colonize gastric mucosa and cause gastritis or gastric ulcer depends on the state of immunity of the organism and on the individual characteristics of a particular strain of bacteria.

Only 2% of the varieties of such infections can trigger cancer. And only 1–2% of infected people may develop stomach cancer.

Several studies have reported the possibility of spontaneous self-healing of Bacteria Helicobacter pylori in children under 2 years.

Suppressive effect on the H. pylori infection has been observed by the presence of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium).

Fungi and Parasites

Aflatoxins. (Aflatoxin) Metabolic products of fungi. Aflatoxins are naturally occurring mycotoxins that are produced by Aspergillus mould fungus. Aflatoxins are the most toxic among the well-known carcinogens. When ingested, they are metabolized by the liver and may become less harmful. Aflatoxins can be found in all major crops, as well as in peanut oil and marijuana.

Main products that are regularly contaminated with aflatoxins include: cassava, pepper, corn, cotton seeds, millet, peanuts, rice, sorghum, sunflower seeds, nuts, wheat and various spices. You should be careful with mouldy bread and nuts, and keep track of the humidity in the room. If farm animals are fed with contaminated raw materials, aflatoxins are sometimes found in eggs, dairy products and meat.

High levels or chronic effects of aflatoxin can cause acute liver failure manifested by bleeding, edema, changes in digestion, mental changes, or coma. It may cause necrosis of the liver, resulting eventually in cirrhosis or liver cancer. People are resistant to aflatoxin. However, children especially suffer from exposure, which leads to a stunt in growth and delayed development.

At the same time, as shown by medical research, the carcinogenic effects of aflatoxin are reduced by regular use of umbellifers (apiaceous) in food, such as carrots, parsnips, celery and parsley, fennel, dill, anise, coriander (cilantro), cumin, and carom seeds.

Parasites schistosomiasis (bladder cancer).

Parasites schistosomiasis can cause bladder cancer. They are common in tropical and subtropical areas, especially in poor communities without access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. Of the 207 million people with schistosomiasis, 85% live in Africa.

Theory of Dyshormonal Carcinogenesis

The theory of dyshormonal carcinogenesis considers hormonal imbalance in the organism as a cause of tumors. However, the available data on the role of hormones in the development of tumors in humans are extremely contradictory. Most often what matters in the development of endocrine tumors is not an excess or deficiency of any one hormone, but a complex hormonal imbalance. Normally the activity of endocrine glands is regulated by the corresponding pituitary hormones and functions of the latter – by the hypothalamic neurohormones. Violation of any link in this complex system leads to changes in the state of other components. Hormonal status may predispose one to the development of certain tumors. Endometrial cancer, for example, is often associated with obesity, hypertension and diabetes.

At present there are two known examples where a direct link exists between the effects of certain hormones and the occurrence of tumors in humans. Firstly, the development of the clear cell vaginal cancer in young women who had been exposed to diethylbestrol (DES) in the uterus. Estrogen can stimulate cell growth in various ways:

  • Breast cancer and uterine cancer tend to occur at an age when estrogen is dominant over progesterone.
  • Breast cancer occurs in the premenopausal period when the level of estrogen is higher. The same situation can be observed after menopause if a woman receives estrogen without the addition of progesterone;
  • Recurrence of breast cancer or distant metastases after surgery are more likely if the surgery is performed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (estrogen is dominant);
  • Only the first matured early pregnancy will protect against breast cancer. Among women who gave birth before the age of 18, the risk of breast cancer was 3 times lower than in those who first gave birth over the age of 35. Terminated pregnancy (arbitrary or induced abortions) do not prevent cancer, but rather increase the risk of its occurrence;
  • In nulliparous women the risk of cancer is significantly higher than in those who have given birth;
  • In men, taking estrogen with regard to prostate cancer, there is a risk of breast cancer;
  • Environmental contaminants may act like estrogen.

Anti-cancerous action of progesterone has been proven by studies at the Institute of Johns Hopkins University. The normal level of progesterone protects women against cancer.

Interestingly,  a recent study found a link between breast cancer and the interruption of the first pregnancy. Increased levels of progesterone during pregnancy lead to the growth and maturation of cells of mammary ducts. As a result, the mammary gland is ready for milk production and the maturation of cells makes them resistant to cancerous changes. If this process is interrupted by an early abortion, the breast cells remain in an intermediate state, and they are more prone to cancerous changes. Thus, the first pregnancy protects against breast cancer. A woman is at the greatest risk for developing cancer if she aborts her first pregnancy.

The only known cause of endometrial cancer (uterine lining)  is unbalanced estrogen levels. Prescribed to women in postmenopausal period during 5 years, it increases the risk of endometrial cancer 6 fold. And a more prolonged use of this hormone leads to a 15-fold risk. At a young age, endometrial cancer is extremely rare, except for 5 – 10 years before menopause when estrogen begins to dominate.

Adding phytoestrogens and natural progesterone in food during these years significantly reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. In the postmenopausal period, endometrial cancer is a consequence of the dominance of estrogen. That is why replacement therapy that is not balanced by progesterone in postmenopausal period is contraindicated.

Psychological factors influencing the development of cancer

Doctors drew attention to the connection between cancer and the emotional state of humans more than two thousand years ago. You could even say that disregarding this relationship is relatively new and strange.

Already during the second century AD, the Roman physician Galen noted that in cheerful women cancer develops less often than in women who are often depressed.

In 1701, the English physician Gendron in his treatise about the nature and causes of cancer pointed to its relationship with “disasters of life as occasion for much trouble and grief”.

In 1783, Burrows was talking about the causes of this disease in words much like the description of **chronic stress: “the uneasy passions of the mind with which the patient is strongly affected for a long time.**”

In the twentieth century, a Canadian endocrinologist, Hans Selye, studied the problem of stress for nearly half a century and proved that emotions can cause disease. Physiological stress is a response to any demands from the body. Hans Selye believed that whatever difficulty the body is facing, it can be answered by two types of reactions: the active or struggle and the passive or escape from the difficulties or willingness to tolerate them.

Positive tension occurs while moving towards the goal. It is *Eustres *which helps the body to survive, strengthen the immune system and increase longevity.

Distress occurs when a person is afflicted by his work, dissatisfied with life, feeling like a victim. Such stress, such a prolonged state can lead to hormonal disturbances and weaken the body’s natural defences – the immune system which is responsible for neutralization (destruction) of cancer cells and harmful to human microorganisms. And if, at that point, there appear cancer cells, the immune system cannot cope with its task.

These discoveries are very important for cancer patients.
Different people react to various events quite differently. The level of physiological stress caused by external events depends on how a particular person interprets and experiences those events.

As a rule, people with cancer have unresolved problems: choosing a career or spouse, the loss of a loved one or job, and other serious stressful situations that could occur 6 months or even 10 years before the detection of a tumor.
If you have found a tumor, it does not mean that it appeared yesterday. Remember that it may take several years from the onset of malignant cells until the detection of a large tumor by the doctor.

It is increasingly recognized by scientists that chronic stress plays an important role in the occurrence of many diseases.

A typical reaction to chronic stressful situations of a person predisposed to cancer is the sensation of helplessness, hopelessness, despair, self-pity.
Such people are vulnerable, they have a need to always appear good. They tend to put the interests of others first and ignore their own needs, not to develop their own individuality.

They tend to associate themselves with a single object or a role (with a person, work, house). Their entire life is built around it, they put all their energy into it. The loss of that person or role is equivalent to losing the meaning of life.
The malignant process develops in people who, as a rule, are unable to forgive; they have constant feelings of resentment and guilt connecting them with the past. Resentment and guilt have the same charge.  Resentment is related to the inability to understand and forgive the other, and guilt – oneself. Both of these feelings are equally harmful.

A specific feature of these patients is that they feel their despair “in themselves”. They are not able to release their pain, anger or resentment. Outwardly it may seem that they are able to adapt themselves to their misfortune. They continue to perform their duties, but life is already lost its luster for them; they are left without energy, meaning, purpose. Loss of interest in life plays a crucial role  in influencing the immune system and creates the preconditions for the development of cancer.
“If a man has no purpose in life, the body is configured to self-destruction.” (Karavaev V.V.)

Such emotional reactions cause a series of physiological processes which suppress the natural defence mechanisms of the body, create the conditions conducive to breaking the genetic program and to the production of malignant cells.

The development of malignant tumors is a long multistep process and it is not only a physical problem. It is a problem of the entire human person composed not only of the body but also of the mind and emotions.
Cancerous tumors are the result of general disease, general distress, and their consequences.

It is necessary to take immediate action upon detection of any type of tumor, whether it is a cyst, polyp or benign tumor. But what does it mean to take action? Remove? Cut out? Is this the solution? After all, if something has formed within the body, what it does not need, there must be a reason for it. Can a surgeon’s knife cut it out? If the cause is not found and removed, the process will continue and eventually the tumor will appear elsewhere.
The element of reason plays a predominant role in overcoming major obstacles.

Recovery may require not only involve drugs but also changes in lifestyle, attitude to oneself, others and the world at large.

Is Cancer Curable?

Conventional cancer treatment involves the identification and destruction of newly formed tumors and metastases: surgical removal, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Each of these methods can determine a tumor, but they do not always get rid of metastasis and do not guarantee that tumor will not appear again.

to nitrites. They are toxic
Cancer are the result of general disease, general distress, and their consequences. Can a surgeon’s knife cut these out?
There is no single magic cure, pills for cancer.  
However, there are methods that help an organism to fight cancer.
There is also one crucial condition that help to fight cancer: all late stage cancer survivors have a strong belief that they can beat their cancer and overcome it no matter what.

Successful recovery may require not only drugs but also changes in lifestyle, attitude about self, others and the world.                                                                                            

Cancer is only a physical warning symptom that is showing you that your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical body’s are out of balance. A warning is not meant to be a defeat. You can beat cancer if:
– You believe in yourself.
– Have faith that it is possible to beat cancer.
– Do everything that has to be.
– You must do what you have to do so that you can do what you want to do.
“The battle wins the one who was determined to win it.” – Leo Tolstoy

Whether you think you can or you can’t, either way you are right. – Henry Ford

What we offer

Conventional cancer treatment involves the identification and destruction of newly formed tumors and metastases: surgical removal, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Alternatively, we offer an individual anti-cancer program involving overall health rehabilitation.

The main goal of our program:

identification and removal of the causes of disease,
strengthening of the immune system,
creating favourable conditions for the self-healing of the organism;
⁃ creating  the conditions that are not favourable for the growth of cancerous tumor.

The program allows for a timely recovery after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Moreover, it contributes to the intense cleansing of toxins, increasing the resistance to the aggression of cancer cells, prolongs life, and is optimally combined with traditional cancer treatments.

Given that a huge number of factors influence the immune system, it is possible to strengthen it using a range of measures affecting the whole body. Such a program includes:

1. The Vega Test that allows for the determination of:

hidden psychological reasons (complexes, insecurity, weak will, fear, resentment, etc.) that contribute to the malignant degeneration of cells, finding the psychological methods and homeopathic remedies to address them;

  • the probability of degeneration of benign tumors (tumor, cyst, polyp) to malignant;
  • the body’s degree of resistance to cancer;
  • the degree of destruction of the organism by geopathogenic and electromagnetic, radiation;
  • the presence of toxic heavy metals and other toxic elements in the organism;
  • the presence of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites in the body, their location and degree of activity;
  • the disturbance of the acid-base balance;
  • the state of the endocrine and immune systems;
  • the missing vitamins, enzymes, trace elements and minerals;

2. Psychological methods of mental and emotional self-correction (NLP,  The Key Method, OH-Cards and others) that can help you:

  • manage your immune system;
  • create positive attitudes, believe in yourselves and the reality of healing;
  • define the objectives and meaning of life;
  • eliminate fear, phobias, insecurity, anxiety;
  • quickly overcome stress;
  • eliminate resentment and anger;

Method training is conducted individually or in groups during the seminar.

3.  Body Detoxification: excretion of decay products of the tumor, toxic metals, pesticides, herbicides and excrement of micro-organisms (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi), the effects of drug intoxication (chemotherapy).
We offer Herbal Teas which normalize the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, skin – organs relating to the excretory system and participating in a natural body detoxification, as well as homeopathic medicines and means of micro toxicology which will allow for detoxification at the cellular level.
We develop an individualized detoxification program using freshly prepared juices, homeopathic remedies and herbal infusions.

4. A Balanced Diet Plan provides the organism with the missing micronutrients, vitamins, normalizing metabolism, eliminating the process of fermentation, putrefaction and ridding the body of constipation, diarrhea, bloating, eructation and heartburn.

5. Juice Therapy complete with fresh juices which contain large amounts of vitamins and enzymes, and help in the withdrawal of toxins from the organism, producing a therapeutic effect.

Fresh juices, herbal infusions, detoxification, the implementation of nutritional advice will help you to normalize the acid – base balance, and thus eliminate the acidity, in which cancer cells actively reproduce.
All the recommendations, measures, recipes of juices are selected individually, based on the results of  The Vega Test, taking into account all the problems identified.

6. A Set of Spinal Correction Exercises

which allow for the elimination of the violations in different parts of the spine and normalizing the passage of nerve signals that promote the self-regulation of the organism. Exercises improve blood circulation, the state of capillaries, blood vessels and joints.

7. Full, Deep Sleep Programswhich aid in the normalization of sleep patterns and may be your therapeutic procedure; special rules will help you in this. Homeopathic medicines will be selected for you to get rid of insomnia. During a deep night’s sleep, a melatonin hormone is produced. Studies have shown that melatonin slows the growth of seven types of cancer cells, including cancer cells of breast and prostate.

8. Water treatments (Hydrotherapy) performed at home help to normalize the condition of vessels, arterioles and capillaries, blood circulation, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to all body cells, contributing to an outflow of toxins, purification, self-regulation and self-recovery of the organism.

9. Breathing Exercises which will help to supply all body cells with oxygen, adjust the metabolism, relieve spasms, pain, normalize sleep and slow down the process of formation of free radicals. Lack of oxygen in the tissues creates the conditions for the growth and reproduction  of cancer cells.

10. Homeopathic remedies are individually chosen by a Homeopathic doctor in individual consultations. In the selection of a remedy the features of one’s constitution, their character and nervous system are taken into account. Remedies help to correct the psycho-emotional state and the immune system, increasing the body’s resistance.

11. Frequency Therapy may be used if the inflammatory agents, bacteria, or oncological virus (Chlamydia, Trichomonas, h-pylori, cytomegalovirus, HPV, hepatitis C and others) are found. We can eliminate them or reduce their effect with Frequency Therapy using hardware-software complex IMEDIS, without resorting to antibiotics.

Examples from our practice

Peter’s children asked to help him. At that time he was at the age of 73 years. He had suffered a heart attack, stroke and was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Of the prescribed 4 courses of chemotherapy he was able to endure only one. The organism of an elderly person could not withstand such an aggressive treatment. The possibilities of traditional medicine were exhausted, the doctors helplessly gave up and sent him home. His children  asked us if we could help. At that moment it seemed to us that we could only relieve the condition, prolong life, but not cure.

He was lying at home and would not get up without the help of others. There exists no magic cure for cancer. However, using physical and breathing exercises (performed while lying), alternating showers (with the help of others), tea made from multicomponent sets of medicinal herbs, selected specially for him, self-control techniques returned the will to live, the ability to fight. These results not only surprised his treating doctor, but us as well.
All this time the doctor watched his condition, periodically testing. After 8 months all the tests were normal!

Anna was a frail elderly woman, but with a strong will, and perseverance to live. Early in life she fled from a ghetto, while under fire, jumped from a cliff and swam across a river without knowing how to swim, just having the desire to escape from the “unpleasant” situation, to survive. What she did not realize was that all those who did not follow her example perished. She did not know, could not know but she felt that it was necessary to act, to act independently, to run. And 60 years later, after learning that she had lung cancer, she was not going to surrender. She trusted in herself and her ability to overcome whatever obstacles life threw her way.  Armed with the knowledge and techniques that she had learned at the wellness center Health by Nature, Anna  fought and the cancer retreated.