Bronchial Asthma is a long-lasting recurrent disease of the bronchi, characterized by attacks of breathlessness as a result of their contraction, and excessive discharge of bronchial mucus. It is caused by a variety of contributing factors, including but not limited to high sensitivity of the bronchi to a number of environmental stimuli.  In people suffering from this condition, the inflammatory process of the bronchial lining continues even between the acute stages of the illness.

Bronchial Asthma can develop at any age, but most frequently it hits a child within first ten years of life. Boys are 2–3 times more susceptible to it, than girls.  In fifty percent of all cases Bronchial Asthma can be successfully treated in adolescence.

Main symptoms of the bronchial asthma

Types and causes of bronchial asthma development

How we can help you

Example from our practice

Main symptoms of the bronchial asthma

  • Fits of suffocation and feeling breathlessness (mostly at nighttime);
  • Wheezing that can be heard from a distance;
  • Dry unproductive cough;
  • Shortness of breath of various degrees of intensity with episodes of wheezing, cough and feeling of chest tightness and bronchospasm.

Stages of the disease are classified as pre-asthma, acute asthma and asthmatic conditions. Pre-asthma manifests itself through attacks of dry cough, sometimes with secretions of insignificant amounts of slimy thick mucus. These symptoms do not go away when treated by common cough medications, but only react to specific anti-asthma prescriptions. Usually, attacks of asthma come at nighttime, or in the early hours of the morning. More often than not, persistent cough remains after a suffered respiratory viral infection, aggravation of a chronic bronchitis, or pneumonia.

A patient does not yet suffer from considerable breathlessness or shortness of breath. With the progress of illness, attacks of breathlessness, or, in especially difficult cases, continuous periods of suffocating become main symptoms of the condition. They are called “Asthmatic Status”.  An attack of breathlessness may be triggered by a contact with an allergen. When the contact is severed, the attack automatically subsides. In such cases, breathlessness is usually accompanied by excessive nasal discharge, unstoppable cough, itching of the skin, migraine headache, Quinck’s edema and other symptoms.

Types and causes of bronchial asthma development

Among asthma- triggering stimuli, 30% are known to be psychological, 40%  are attributed to infections, and another 30% – to allergies.

When bronchi, or the airways, are affected by a triggering stimuli (antigens, infection, stress, psychological exertion, certain types of medication, or environmental allergens), cells in the bronchial walls, called mast sells, and microphages, become active and release substances called mediators (histamine, bradicardine and others). They, in turn, cause bronchial muscles to spasm, and change the penetrability of capillaries, starting a local reaction resulting in an asthma attack.

Asthma is a complex disease with numerous contributing factors, whereby immune, neuron-endocrinal and cellular systems are deeply affected. In other words, bronchial asthma is not a local process, but a malfunction in the interaction of all systems in a human body.

Based on the origins, asthma is classified as non-infection-allergic, infection-allergic, mixed, medicinal and neurotic.

The origins of non-infection allergic asthma could be traced to hereditary, inborn, or acquired health defects manifested through hyper-responsiveness of the bronchi to what is perceived by an organism  as a “foreign substance” leading to the appearance of antibodies. Almost anything could become an allergen – flower and wild herbs pollen, dust mites and other domestic irritants like cat and dog fur, food – eggs, citruses, fish, milk and many more, medications like Aspirin, mechanical waste  and chemicals (metal, silicate, cotton or wood dust, acid or alkaline vapors and various  smokes). In other cases, bronchi hyper-react to physical and meteorological factors, like fluctuation of temperatures, humidity, barometric and magnetic field changes. And last but not least, it may be triggered by psychological exertion and stresses.

Infection-allergic asthma is developed after a prolonged exposure to acute respiratory conditions, bronchitis or pneumonia, when a body literally cannot handle the overload of harmful bacteria or viruses. Most of the affected sufferers are predominantly middle-aged people. Lasting attacks of wheezing cough and breathlessness are exhausting all the more so, as patients do not respond to common therapy. After some time, the aftereffects of suffered infections transform into asthmatic condition. Typically, such cases are diagnosed by shortness of breath at the backdrop of a visible limitation of chest cavity movement at inhaling and exhaling (low position of the diaphragm) and wheezing, hoarse breathing and “buzzing” crepitations in the lungs that constantly change their intensity and location.

Medication asthma is quite a unique reaction of the bronchi to common drugs and usually appears as a side effect to a medical treatment. In simpler cases, the allergen is a particular medication. In more complicated situations, a long-term use of a medication harms the mechanisms of the body functioning, leading to asthma. One such example is a so-called Aspirin Asthma, that affects patients who take Aspirin on a continuous basis.  The medication causes the accumulation of certain chemicals  in the body (intoxication) that cause a prolonged considerable narrowing of the bronchi.  In both instances, the most important thing is to realize which medication acts as a trigger – once it is eliminated, the patient is often back to normal again.

Neurotic asthma or asmatic condition  is a syndrome of cough and breathlessness appearing without any visible stimuli, and is, in fact, a classic psycho-emotional disease. The correlation between stress, various psycho-emotional conditions and asthma has been proven by numerous clinical research. Since asthma is a malfunction of organs lined with smooth muscle tissue, they can go into a spasm  or relax depending on our mental and emotional state. In prehistoric times, an appearance of a spasm was necessary to enable a human react to outside danger, signaling it with breathlessness. Holding one’s breath in is a common reaction of a defenseless person unable to attack the object causing fear, and children often do it when scared. The appearance of bronchial asthma is linked to subduing feelings and emotions for long periods of time.

Though emotional problems can hardly, on their own, lead to the appearance of bronchial asthma, they could certainly result in it if a person is biologically inclined to the disease.

A clinical research, conducted with the help of Vegeto-Resonance “IMEDIS TEST” developed in Centre of Intellectual Medical Systems (Moscow) helped to organize and classify main reasons causing bronchial asthma. Among others, the following topped the list:

  • presence of intestinal parasites  toxins (giardia lamblia, salmonella  and others) – 98%;
- Allergen overload (domestic, food, mechanical) – 81%;
- Fungus infections – candida, penicillin, etc. – 74%;
- Heavy metal poisoning – lead, cadmiums, aluminum, mercury, etc. – 42%;
- Viral infection – toxins of enterovirus, rotavirus and such – 34%;
- Vaccination: wheezing cough, TB (tuberculosis) – 20%;
- Parasites – enterobiosis, ascardiosis – 29%.

Every patient diagnosed with bronchial asthma demonstrated two or more aggravating factors from the list. In 18% of the cases the diagnose of bronchial asthma itself was not confirmed. Those were patients with different conditions of the bronchi, like bronchitis, bronchiolitis or bronchiectasis – diseases, that required a totally different approach to the cure. Other factors were determined as endocrinal dysfunctions (dysfunction of the pituitary gland, the adrenals), especially affecting women during the period of menopause.
The first step in getting correct treatment is to get a correct diagnosis. Differential diagnosis list for Asthma patients may include: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectasis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergilliosis, cystic fibrosis, eosinophilic pneumonia, and so on.

In some cases, a diagnosis of asthma may be overlooked or delayed because the symptoms may be mild. Additionally, not all symptoms of asthma are always related to asthma. If wheezing and a  whistling sound made during breathing, is typical of asthma, other similar symptoms, like  wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness could be indications of bronchitis, colds or pneumonia. Serious cardio-vascular diseases, such as congestive heart failure, also have similar symptoms, not to mention conditions caused by pollutants in the air, stress or anxiety.

Oftentimes, medical specialists habitually attribute cough and feeling of breathlessness to an allergic inflammation of the bronchi while skipping to look into the real case of the condition, and without a second thought prescribe patients anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and hormonal medication. Thus the disease itself remains untreated, while practitioners deal with its manifestations only. The illness in such cases only gets much worse as the time goes by, and soon acquires a chronic character. Masked symptoms create the illusion of  “healing”, while the cause remains unattended.

Inhalers are, indeed, capable of bringing a fast relief during acute asthma attacks. But in many cases, the patient can develop a dependency on these substances, both physical and emotional, in a very short time. They begin to use the medication more often than needed, and even without a cause, for so called prevention purposes. But a prolonged use of inhalers subdue immune system in the bronchi, and produce a side effect of liver and adrenal glands dysfunction. This, in turn, causes a proliferation of various fungus bacteria, opening the gates for new infections. As a result, such type of treatment creates a vicious circle, whereby the possibility of full and complete recovery becomes remote, if not questionable

Remember: A successful treatment can be achieved only if the cause of the illness is correctly determined and eliminated!

How we can help you

1. Determine the causes of asthma development.

Vegetative Resonance Test “IMEDIS-TEST” (VEGA-TEST) allows us to:
– to determine whether your condition is hereditary or acquired;
– to detect particular allergens (more than 300 kinds) without skin damage, leading to asthmatic attacks, (domestic, environmental, industrial, food);
– to reveal the hidden psychological causes of physical illnesses; (insecurity, resentment, fear etc.)
– to determine the level of psychological stress and physical exhaustion;
– to determine the level of tension or exhaustion of the endocrine and immune systems;
– to evaluate the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of medicines taken and the ability to side effects.
– to determine the presence and character of intoxication (inherent or acquired) in the organism;
– to detect the presence of any type of virus, bacteria, fungus, parasites (more than 400 kinds), their localization, and level of activity in the body;
– to determine the presence of poisonous heavy metals and other toxic elements such as: pesticides, herbicides, nitrates etc. in the body (there are more than 100 kinds)

2. Using comprehensive natural methods we can help you eliminate the causes that contributed to the problem and get rid of asthma.

We offer a highly personalized combination of methods depending on the identified causes. We will teach you self-regulation methods that give results in a short period of time. These methods include: The Key Method, various techniques from NLP and other methods. Together, they will allow you to:

– Quickly attain deep relaxation and peace;
– Relax your spasm muscles;
– Decrease emotional response to stressful situations;
– Increase your ability to cope with stress. You will be able to maintain a relaxed state even in situation which have previously caused stress;
– Lower irritation and fatigue;
– Get the same effect as meditation without months or years of effort;
– Boost your immune system and activate self-rehabilitation processes;
– Get rid of fears, phobias, guilt, anger;
– Become more confident;
– Set clear goals and achieve them;

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed individually and are based on the assessment of each patient’s built, personality and nervous system. It helps the body to get rid of toxins, bacteria, parasites, fungi and minimize the side effects of the flue shot.

Breathing Exercises which can eliminate hyperventilation,  prevent or to quickly stop a brochospasm and swelling of mucus lining of the airways. (Medical respiratory data suggests that sick people breath about 2–3 times more air than the medical norm. There are many more medical studies that found 100% prevalence of chronic hyper ventilation in patients with chronic diseases.)

Frequency Therapy (with the use of a specifically programmed IMEDIS-EXPERT) for fighting viral, bacterial  infections without resorting to heavy doses of antibiotics.

Herbal Teas; Essential oils; Spinal Correction Exercises;

Example from our practice

Steve (aged 35, of American-Chinese origins, a computer programmer) suffered from asthma since childhood. Before approaching Health by Nature Center, he tried various treatment methods both in China and the US. However, the only way he could stop asthmatic attacks was by the use of hormonal inhalers. He met our suggested treatment plan with curiosity, enthusiasm and hope. In three months , he came for a follow-up testing. Over this time, he stopped smoking, lost a lot of weight, felt more energetic and was happy to announce that his sleeping disorder disappeared.  He managed any hint of a possible asthma attack with breathing exercises.  “How could this be?” wondered Steve. “My loving and dedicated parents took me to the best clinical laboratories and consulted top specialists, but my asthma persisted until the use of such simple, within-the-reach methods helped me to heal myself”.  

We can help you find the cause behind heavy illnesses – bronchial asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure and others, and effectively fight the disease until you are completely cured!